SJ Extensions

This project hosts several sub-projects that extend SourceJammer At this point, the only extensions with any downloadable files is SJ-Eclipse.

SJ Eclipse

Note: SJ Eclipse requires Eclipse 3.0.2 or higher. It seems not to work well with Eclipse 3.0.0

SJ Eclipse is an Eclipse plugin that allows users to interact with a SourceJammer archive. To download SJ Eclipse, please visit our download page or use our Eclipse Update Site at the following address:

Once you install SJ Eclipse, the first thing you should do is go to the SJ Eclipse Preferences page and set the location of your SourceJammer client installation. For most Windows users this should be C:\SourceJammer\client.

To user SJ Eclipse with any Eclipse Project, you must first set the SJ Ecliplse properties for that project. You must set the Server URL to the url of your server and the Archive Name to the name of the SJ Archive you want to check files into and out of.

The Relative Path setting must be the path in your SourceJammer archive to the SJ folder that corresponds to the root of your Eclipse directory. This path must begin and end with a forward slash (/) character. For example, if your Eclipse project is for code in the current/someversion/codebase folder in your archive, set Relative Path to /current/someversion/codebase.

Thanks and good luck using SJ Ecliplse. Please let us know what you think of it by posting to the mailing list. More detailed documentation will hopefully be available soon.

Rob MacGrogan
April 22, 2005